Digital Detectives: War-separated family reunites with social media
A Chinese-Brazilian millennial retraces her grandfather’s footsteps to find family lost in China.

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Interviewing Chinese Relatives
It’s hard for grandma to open up about the past. Use these questions to build trust and find support for a successful family history interview.

My Father's Mother: Through Different Eyes
Meet my badass grandma. She beat war, sexism, and betrayal with audacious love and resilience.

Frozen Footsteps: Meet the first Chinese man at the North Pole
A journalist finds a kindred spirit in her great-grandfather, the first Chinese man to reach the North Pole.

Mission Possible: Melbourne brothers find their Maoming roots
A trio of Chinese-Australian brothers search for the missing zupu (family tree book) of their missionary grandparents.

No zupu, no problem: How a family storybook solved 300 years of mystery
A collection of mysterious pictures inspires a San Francisco family to create their own zupu (family history book) to find missing relatives in China.