My Roots, My Canvas: Reclaiming Our Stories as a Digital Diaspora
Watch the joint conversation I moderated with actor Ryan Alexander Holmes and rapper/filmmaker Laurence Brahm about crossing cultures on social media with confidence, humor, and honesty. We explore the joys and strengths of being multicultural and how to involve your loved ones in the creative process of telling your story.
In partnership with My China Roots and Global Asian Media Entertainment (GAME) to commemorate Chinese New Year and Black History Month (February 2022).

STORY 2022: Don't you know who you are?
On Sept 23, 2022, I presented “Who Is Home?: Rooting Curiosity in Community,” a virtual breakout guiding storytellers at the STORY Conference to trace the bonds of kinship and belonging that anchor their curiosity and conviction in the unknown.

My China Roots: AAPI Heritage Month 2022
I organized a 5-part AAPI Heritage Month event series on Discord featuring veteran genealogists, filmmakers, and healing practitioners to inspire and equip budding family historians with the role models, research skills, and holistic support to uncover their hidden ancestral stories.

East-West Center: The Exchange
I co-facilitated “Continuing Curiosity,” a virtual experience equipping students at the East-West Center with the practical skills to “live their questions” with courage.
Rooted in The Exchange event series theme “Transformative Care: Creating Intertwined Futures Beyond the Pandemic” (Sept 2021).

STORY 2019: Between no longer & not yet
I presented “Family Stories: The Gift that Keeps on Giving,” a breakout talk inspiring creatives at the STORY Conference to navigate the messiness of their family stories with honesty, hope, and curiosity, in order to create home and belonging through their creative work.

Australia-China Emerging Leaders Summit (ACELS) 2019
“I invited Chrislyn to speak after watching her videos. She was refreshing and engaging… and what she produced did not disappoint. Her workshop about migration and multicultural identity was extremely thought-provoking, many of our delegates even choosing to continue the conversation on their own cultural influences after.” – DORCAS WONG, CONTENT DIRECTOR

Migration Is Mainstream: Elevating Migrant Voices in a World of Geostatic Media
The population that the United Nations labels as “international migrants” goes by many names: expats, foreigners, refugees, digital nomads, 海龟. Who are they? Where do they live? Why do they move? What does “home” mean for them? Living between cultures, what kind of culture do they create, and how do they impact their communities?
Listen to our full panel at the US Embassy in Beijing in honor of UN International Migrants Day (December 2018).