growing up...
I’ve always felt “between” cultures: Confused in the US, more Malaysian outside Malaysia, and never quite Chinese enough. Eventually I started to wonder: What if my hyphenated identity is actually a strength, instead of a burden? What if it’s possible to feel “at home” in the liminal space of my heritage?
In early 2018, I decided to dig into my family history, a path that soon led me to Beijing. With the help of My China Roots, I returned to my ancestral villages in southern China and began documenting my healing journey to reclaim who I am.
Today I feel far more at ease, no matter where I am. While I still have questions, I trust that my story matters. Now, I love helping others close the gaps within their identities, through films and family storytelling workshops.

before moving to china...
I found a home in Durham, North Carolina, where I filmed and edited videos with StoryDriven for brands on the cutting edge of research, healthcare, and community advocacy.
In 2018, I won a regional Emmy Award for a green tech story on “pickle power.” Through 2019, I helmed Reel Durham, a series of 1-minute video portraits of everyday heroes in the Bull City.
I have directed and produced social media campaigns for the STORY Conference and Full Frame Documentary Film Festival. I am a 2016 graduate of Duke University, where I studied neuroscience and film to understand how stories shape our brains and behavior.

in my free time...
I enjoy dancing with the sea breeze, vibing to the magical music of Genshin Impact, and turning strangers into friends. A 6w7 ENFP raised in Princeton, New Jersey, by a gutsy duo from Penang, Malaysia (food capital of the world!), I love nothing more than gathering around a table for story time and home-cooked food.