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Trace your roots in community 🌿

Come explore your family history with people across the Chinese diaspora! Hosted on Discord with My China Roots, our community loves cracking research clues and supporting each other’s ancestral journeys in real time.


4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Interviewing Chinese Relatives

It’s hard for grandma to open up about the past. Use these questions to build trust and find support for a successful family history interview.


My Father’s Mother: Through Different Eyes

Meet my badass grandma. She beat war, sexism, and betrayal with audacious love and resilience.


Real Photos, Real People

My photography is now available for licensing on Stocksy United. Use dynamic images of my global community in your own creative work!


Prints Galore!

Fill your home with wonder. Shop prints, wall hangings, and more of my favorite “wow” moments on Society 6.


Watch the Film

A window into the sanctuary church movement, SANCTUARY ACROSS BORDERS (8 min) follows an undocumented father’s fight to reunite with his family in North Carolina. Please share their story as we raise $20,000 for his medical care in Mexico during their ongoing separation.


Read the Blog

Chrysalis Convos